The business side of the Human Insight tools
The ins and outs working with Human Insight tooling, customer engagements and solutions we have to offer
Your Instructor
I studied Innovative Entrepreneurship and Business Development at the University of Twente with a bachelor in Small Business and Retail Management. Early on I developed an interest in entrepreneurship and everything concerning the successful growth of businesses. This was further spurred when I came into contact with an entrepreneur, affiliated with the University of Twente, who committed himself to market the university's patents and technologies. After this, I started working for an incubation platform that helped small and medium-sized businesses grow. The platform, Growth Accelerator, was initiated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, PwC, AKD, De Baak management centre, Phillips Innovation Services and Port4Growth. I was responsible for the recruitment and selection of entrepreneurs who wanted to realise sustainable growth. During my time there I learned a lot about the ins and outs of business models, the importance of well functioning teams. For example, I was responsible for setting up a special series of masterclasses for the fastest growing companies. Issues such as internationalisation, growth financing and managing growth and people were the most important themes. This is where the link was made with Human Insight.
Everything I learned from entrepreneurs about managing growth within organisations fits perfectly with the ideas of Human Insight. What appeals to me most in Human Insight is the way in which organisations gain insight into how people can contribute optimally and lift a company to a higher level. Within this context, my job is to further expand the company. This means that I get to visit our international clients and our active business partner network. In my spare time, I spend a lot of time with my family and I enjoy barbecues, beach life and sports.